Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
Bahasa inggris 2
Asal Usul Danau Toba
Di wilayah Sumatera hiduplah seorang petani yang sangat rajin bekerja. Ia hidup sendiri sebatang kara. Setiap hari ia bekerja menggarap lading dan mencari ikan dengan tidak mengenal lelah. Hal ini dilakukannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya sehari-hari.
Pada suatu hari petani tersebut pergi ke sungai di dekat tempat tinggalnya, ia bermaksud mencari ikan untuk makannya hari ini. Dengan hanya berbekal sebuah kail, umpan dan tempat ikan, ia pun langsung menuju ke sungai. Setelah sesampainya di sungai, petani tersebut langsung melemparkan kailnya. Sambil menunggu kailnya dimakan ikan, petani tersebut berdoa,“Ya Alloh, semoga aku dapat ikan banyak hari ini”. Beberapa saat setelah berdoa, kail yang dilemparkannya tadi nampak bergoyang-goyang. Ia segera menarik kailnya. Petani tersebut sangat senang sekali, karena ikan yang didapatkannya sangat besar dan cantik sekali.
Setelah beberapa saat memandangi ikan hasil tangkapannya, petani itu sangat terkejut. Ternyata ikan yang ditangkapnya itu bisa berbicara. “Tolong aku jangan dimakan Pak!! Biarkan aku hidup”, teriak ikan itu. Tanpa banyak bertanya, ikan tangkapannya itu langsung dikembalikan ke dalam air lagi. Setelah mengembalikan ikan ke dalam air, petani itu bertambah terkejut, karena tiba-tiba ikan tersebut berubah menjadi seorang wanita yang sangat cantik.
“Jangan takut Pak, aku tidak akan menyakiti kamu”, kata si ikan. “Siapakah kamu ini? Bukankah kamu seekor ikan?, Tanya petani itu. “Aku adalah seorang putri yang dikutuk, karena melanggar aturan kerajaan”, jawab wanita itu. “Terimakasih engkau sudah membebaskan aku dari kutukan itu, dan sebagai imbalannya aku bersedia kau jadikan istri”, kata wanita itu. Petani itupun setuju. Maka jadilah mereka sebagai suami istri. Namun, ada satu janji yang telah disepakati, yaitu mereka tidak boleh menceritakan bahwa asal-usul Puteri dari seekor ikan. Jika janji itu dilanggar maka akan terjadi petaka dahsyat.
Setelah beberapa lama mereka menikah, akhirnya kebahagiaan Petani dan istrinya bertambah, karena istri Petani melahirkan seorang bayi laki-laki. Anak mereka tumbuh menjadi anak yang sangat tampan dan kuat, tetapi ada kebiasaan yang membuat heran semua orang. Anak tersebut selalu merasa lapar, dan tidak pernah merasa kenyang. Semua jatah makanan dilahapnya tanpa sisa.
Hingga suatu hari anak petani tersebut mendapat tugas dari ibunya untuk mengantarkan makanan dan minuman ke sawah di mana ayahnya sedang bekerja. Tetapi tugasnya tidak dipenuhinya. Semua makanan yang seharusnya untuk ayahnya dilahap habis, dan setelah itu dia tertidur di sebuah gubug. bapak tani menunggu kedatangan anaknya, sambil menahan haus dan lapar. Karena tidak tahan menahan lapar, maka ia langsung pulang ke rumah. Di tengah perjalanan pulang, pak tani melihat anaknya sedang tidur di gubug. Petani tersebut langsung membangunkannya. “Hey, bangun!, teriak petani itu.
Setelah anaknya terbangun, petani itu langsung menanyakan makanannya. “Mana makanan buat ayah?”, Tanya petani. “Sudah habis kumakan”, jawab si anak. Dengan nada tinggi petani itu langsung memarahi anaknya. "Anak tidak tau diuntung ! Tak tahu diri! Dasar anak ikan!," umpat si Petani tanpa sadar telah mengucapkan kata pantangan dari istrinya.
Setelah petani mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut, seketika itu juga anak dan istrinya hilang lenyap tanpa bekas dan jejak. Dari bekas injakan kakinya, tiba-tiba keluarlah air yang sangat deras. Air meluap sangat tinggi dan luas sehingga membentuk sebuah telaga. Dan akhirnya membentuk sebuah danau. Danau itu akhirnya dikenal dengan nama Danau Toba.
Bahasa inggris 2
Origin of Lake Toba
In the region of Sumatra, there lived a farmer who is very diligent work. He himself lived alone. Every day he worked on the lading and fishing with the tireless. This was done to meet the everyday needs.
One day the farmer went to the river near where he lived, he intended to find fish to eat today. Armed with only a hook, bait and fishing spot, he went straight to the river. Once when he got in the river, the farmer immediately threw the hook. While waiting for edible fish hook, the farmers prayed, "O Allah, I hope I can fish a lot today". Some time after the prayer, which he tossed the hook was visible wobbling. He immediately pulled hook. Farmers are very happy, because he gets very large fish and beautiful.
After a few moments looking at the fish catch, the farmer was very surprised. It turns out that the fish they catch could talk. "Please sir I do not eat! Let me live ", shouted the fish. Without asking, the fish catch was immediately returned to the water again. After returning the fish into the water, the farmers grew surprised, because the fish suddenly turned into a very beautiful woman.
"Do not worry sir, I'm not going to hurt you", said the fish. "Who are you? Are not you a fish?, Asked the farmer. "I was a princess who was cursed, for violating the kingdom," she said. "Thank you once you have freed me from the curse, and in return I'm willing to make you wife," she said. Farmers agreed that too. They then become husband and wife. However, there is one promise that has been agreed, that they should not be told that the origin of the daughter of a fish. If the promise is broken there will be a terrible catastrophe.
After a while they were married, farmer and his wife finally happiness increases, because the farmer's wife gave birth to a baby boy. Their child grow into a very handsome boy and powerful, but there is a habit that makes everyone wonder. The child was always hungry, and never feel full. Devour all the food rations without rest.
Until one day the farmer's son from his mother got a job to deliver food and drinks into the fields where his father was working. But the task is not fulfilled. All foods should be eaten up to his father, and after that he slept in a hut. farmer father waiting for his son, while holding the thirsty and hungry. Unable to bear hunger, so he went back home. On the way home, pack farmer saw his son was sleeping in the hut. The farmer immediately awakened. "Hey, wake up!, Shouted the farmer.
After her son awoke, he had immediately asked the food. "Where's the food for my father?", Asked the farmer. "It's been eaten up," she replied. With high notes that farmers immediately scolded her son. "Children do not know scallywag! Not know myself! Basic fry!," Spat the Farmer has unwittingly uttered abstinence from his wife.
After the farmers say these words, instantly lost his wife and daughter vanished without a trace and trail. From the former stamping his feet, suddenly the water came out very heavy. Overflow water is very high and wide so as to form a lake. And eventually form a lake. The lake was eventually known as the Lake Toba.
*sumber :
In the region of Sumatra, there lived a farmer who is very diligent work. He himself lived alone. Every day he worked on the lading and fishing with the tireless. This was done to meet the everyday needs.
One day the farmer went to the river near where he lived, he intended to find fish to eat today. Armed with only a hook, bait and fishing spot, he went straight to the river. Once when he got in the river, the farmer immediately threw the hook. While waiting for edible fish hook, the farmers prayed, "O Allah, I hope I can fish a lot today". Some time after the prayer, which he tossed the hook was visible wobbling. He immediately pulled hook. Farmers are very happy, because he gets very large fish and beautiful.
After a few moments looking at the fish catch, the farmer was very surprised. It turns out that the fish they catch could talk. "Please sir I do not eat! Let me live ", shouted the fish. Without asking, the fish catch was immediately returned to the water again. After returning the fish into the water, the farmers grew surprised, because the fish suddenly turned into a very beautiful woman.
"Do not worry sir, I'm not going to hurt you", said the fish. "Who are you? Are not you a fish?, Asked the farmer. "I was a princess who was cursed, for violating the kingdom," she said. "Thank you once you have freed me from the curse, and in return I'm willing to make you wife," she said. Farmers agreed that too. They then become husband and wife. However, there is one promise that has been agreed, that they should not be told that the origin of the daughter of a fish. If the promise is broken there will be a terrible catastrophe.
After a while they were married, farmer and his wife finally happiness increases, because the farmer's wife gave birth to a baby boy. Their child grow into a very handsome boy and powerful, but there is a habit that makes everyone wonder. The child was always hungry, and never feel full. Devour all the food rations without rest.
Until one day the farmer's son from his mother got a job to deliver food and drinks into the fields where his father was working. But the task is not fulfilled. All foods should be eaten up to his father, and after that he slept in a hut. farmer father waiting for his son, while holding the thirsty and hungry. Unable to bear hunger, so he went back home. On the way home, pack farmer saw his son was sleeping in the hut. The farmer immediately awakened. "Hey, wake up!, Shouted the farmer.
After her son awoke, he had immediately asked the food. "Where's the food for my father?", Asked the farmer. "It's been eaten up," she replied. With high notes that farmers immediately scolded her son. "Children do not know scallywag! Not know myself! Basic fry!," Spat the Farmer has unwittingly uttered abstinence from his wife.
After the farmers say these words, instantly lost his wife and daughter vanished without a trace and trail. From the former stamping his feet, suddenly the water came out very heavy. Overflow water is very high and wide so as to form a lake. And eventually form a lake. The lake was eventually known as the Lake Toba.
*sumber :
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